Talent Operations
Organizational Design
Department structure management
Geographical structure management
Grade structure management
Designation structure management
Cost-Center structure management
Job-role structures management
Compensations rules management

Core HR
Policy management
Process administration and management
Employee data management
Talent mobility management
Employee compensation data management
Employee Service
Letters generations
Various compliance reports
Vendor management (for people operations)
Other HR functions are listed under specific Talent and Employee modules
Payroll and Compliances
Tax planning, tax statements
Additional payments management -> Loan recoveries, Overtime postings, one-time adjustments, Expense reimbursements, Hiring costs - Sign-On bonus, relocation expense, Referral bonus and any other custom payments.
Payroll processing engine with Income Tax calculations
Exit employee processing
Full and final settlement processing
Perquisite calculations
All compliance reports and data files for upload to Govt sites
Bank payment upload files

Off-boarding & Exit Management
Exit Management with workflow approvals
Specific workflows and notifications for Critical resource and /or Critical role exits
Configurable online clearances
Online exit interviews
Data dependency and integrity dashboard for the exiting employee
Mass changes with single click for associated data
Last working day and last day in office management
Full & Final settlement
Rule based configurable letter generations